
2018年3月28日—Withaparticularlystubborntranloginfullrecoverymode,I'vehadluckdoingSHRINKFILE,immediatelyfollowedbyatransactionlogbackup, ...,2013年4月30日—DBCCopentran(database);.andfoundthatnotransactionisopennow.Whatisstoppingmefromshrinkingthelogfile?HowcanIsolvethis?,2021年8月30日—Thelogfilehas99%offreespace.WhenIexecuteDBCCshrinkfilestatement,mylogfilesizewillnotshrink.DatabaseissettoFullr...

Why Can't I shrink log file in full recovery mode [duplicate]

2018年3月28日 — With a particularly stubborn tran log in full recovery mode, I've had luck doing SHRINKFILE , immediately followed by a transaction log backup, ...

Shrinking the log file does not reduce size

2013年4月30日 — DBCC opentran (database);. and found that no transaction is open now. What is stopping me from shrinking the log file? How can I solve this?

DBCC ShrinkFile not shrinking the log file size

2021年8月30日 — The log file has 99% of free space. When I execute DBCC shrinkfile statement, my log file size will not shrink. Database is set to Full recovery ...

Space is not reducing after running log shrinking job

2020年11月3日 — This non-shrinking is usually the result of a log file that hasn't been truncated. To truncate the log, you can set the database recovery model ...

DBCC SHRINKFILE shows no errors but doesn't shrink the ...

2018年10月22日 — When shrinking files, empty virtual logs are physically removed starting at the end of the file until it hits the first used status. This is why ...

DBCC SHRINKFILE on log file not reducing size even after ...

2011年8月25日 — Okay, here is a solution to reduce the physical size of the transaction file, but without changing the recovery mode to simple.

Guide to Resolving Unable to Shrink Log File Issue in SQL ...

2024年2月2日 — Use the DBCC SHRINKFILE command to shrink the log file and reduce the number of VLFs if necessary. However, keep the log file manageable, as ...

Microsoft SQL Server Shrinking Database Transaction Log

2023年10月27日 — Click “OK” button to complete the file shrink. Shrink file. Using TSQL to shrink Transaction Log file. Run TSQL statement below to shrink ...


2015年6月5日 — Open up SQL Management Studio, Connect the SQL server instance containing the Database with the oversized log file. Right Click that database ...

Shrining log file not releasing the unused space

2012年10月22日 — 1st run a log backup then run Dbcc Shrinkfile(2),. After that again run log backup then run Dbcc shrinkfile(2) again this will shrink log file ...